meat free tracker


Monday, May 30, 2011

30 days....

So I have not eaten any meat this month, and I have lost 14 pounds from the 2nd until today.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 22 and still meat free

Well I haven't had any meat in May, and it is really going well so far. I was craving meat like crazy, but that is not bad anymore.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

10 days and counting

Well this is the 10th day. for the first week after eliminating meat, my husband and I both experianced someleg cramping, which seemed to resolve some from the addition of gatorade to our diets. From the info I can gather my guess is the cramping was related to the sodium drop from cutting out meat and soda at the same time.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 6

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday. Being Vegetarian on the road is very difficult. While on long trips we used to drive through Burger King and grab our son some chicken nuggets, now there isn't much to grab. Sure we could get him some apple wedges but they seem to give him a sugar buzz rather than keeping him calm and satisfied through the ride. Most of my family live an hour and a half away, so visits include a long drive there and a long drive back. If anyone has some protein packed vege snacks, that would be easy for a 17 month old to eat on the go (so not nuts ;) ) please let me know. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

On Gardens

I cant wait to get my full garden planted. I have some broccoli and lettuce done but I still have a long way to go. I'm hoping for a good harvest from my tiny garden. Good veggies are expensive. I was surprised yesterday cost more at the grocery store then when we were buying meat. But, we have been saving money in avoiding fast food since there really isn't anything on the menu for us.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

day three

I went vege grocery shopping for the first time today. It was fun looking for different foods that we haven't tried. I also had a yummy mushroom lettuce and cheese wrap with a spinach lavash for dinner. mmmmm

Monday, May 2, 2011

Meat free day 2 close

Well Ive made it 2 days now with no meat.we tried to go eat on the road today and that proved slightly difficult so I came home and looked up some veg-friendly restaurants.  PETA's web site has a lot of resources for starting out vegetarians.